5 Things to Avoid After Whitening Your Teeth

January 18, 2023

Teeth Whitening

Teeth Whitening Robstown

If you’re looking to brighten and whiten your smile, then teeth whitening is the perfect solution! Professional teeth whitening can help to remove unwanted stains or discoloration. However, after having your teeth professionally whitened, it’s important to take certain precautions in order to maintain the results achieved during treatment. Read on to learn more about 5 things to avoid after having your teeth professionally whitened in Robstown.

Avoid Spicy and Acidic Foods

It’s not recommended that you eat spicy or acidic foods following a professional teeth whitening procedure. This is because these types of food items are likely to cause discomfort as well as restraining your teeth. As such, it’s best to avoid eating spicy and acidic foods such as curry, salsa, acidic fruits and pickles for at least 24-48 hours following treatment.

Spicy Foods

Spicy dishes can cause a burning sensation in your mouth, which is the last thing you want after having your teeth whitened! Spices such as chili powder, cayenne pepper and other types of hot spices may cause staining and irritations to sensitive teeth.

Acidic Foods

Acidic foods are another type of food to stay away from when it comes to post-teeth whitening care. Citrus fruits like lemons or oranges contain acid that can damage enamel if consumed frequently or in large amounts. Tomatoes are also acidic and can cause staining or discoloration to teeth.

 Hot Beverages

It’s best to completely avoid hot beverages such as coffee, tea and hot chocolate following a professional teeth whitening procedure. This is because the heat from these drinks may open up the pores of your enamel which can cause staining if acidic or colored beverages are consumed.

Head Avoid Tobacco Products

Smoking and the use of tobacco products can cause stains to accumulate on your teeth over time. As such, it’s important that you avoid smoking or using any type of tobacco product at all costs following a professional teeth whitening procedure in Robstown. Tobacco products contain tar which is known to cause stains that are difficult to remove.


Cigarettes can not only stain your teeth, but they can also contain nicotine which causes gum disease and tooth discoloration. As such, it’s best to completely avoid smoking cigarettes for at least 48 hours following a professional teeth whitening procedure.

Chewing Tobacco

Chewing tobacco is made with flavoring agents that can cause staining on your teeth as well as damage them and the soft tissues in your mouth. It’s recommended that you abstain from using any type of chewing tobacco product following a professional teeth whitening procedure.


Although the jury is still out on whether or not e-cigarettes can cause staining, it’s best to avoid using them for at least 24-48 hours following a professional teeth whitening procedure. This is because the ingredients in e-cigarettes are still largely unknown and could potentially cause discoloration or other issues with your teeth.

Avoid Certain Medications

Some medications have been known to cause staining to teeth when taken over a long period of time. Before having your teeth professionally whitened, you should consult with your dentist about any medications you may be taking that could affect the results achieved during treatment. It’s recommended that you abstain from taking certain medications such as Tetracycline after having your teeth whitened in order to achieve the best results.


Tetracycline is an antibiotic that can cause staining of the teeth when taken over a long period of time. As such, it’s recommended that you avoid taking this medication for at least 48 hours following a professional teeth whitening procedure.


Antihistamines are medications that are used to treat certain allergies and can also cause discoloration to the teeth when taken over a long period of time. It’s recommended that you avoid taking these types of medications for at least 24-48 hours following a professional teeth whitening procedure.

Blood Pressure Medications

Certain blood pressure medications can also cause staining of the teeth when taken over a long period of time. As such, it’s important to consult with your dentist before having your teeth professionally whitened in order to ensure that you don’t experience any adverse reactions due to these types of medications.


To ensure that you get the best results after having your teeth whitened, it’s important to avoid certain foods and beverages as well as tobacco and certain medications. Staying away from hot spices, acidic foods and beverages, smoking cigarettes or using chewing tobacco products, as well as avoiding certain medications like Tetracycline or antihistamines can help you achieve the best results after a professional teeth whitening procedure in Robstown.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Q: How long should I avoid smoking after having my teeth whitened?

A: It’s recommended that you abstain from smoking for at least 48 hours following a professional teeth whitening procedure.

Q: Can antihistamines affect the results of a professional teeth whitening treatment?

A: Yes, it’s recommended that you avoid taking any type of antihistamine for at least 24-48 hours following a professional teeth whitening procedure.  

Q: What foods should I avoid after having my teeth professionally whitened?

A: You should avoid eating any type of hot spices, acidic foods or beverages for at least 48 hours following a professional teeth whitening procedure.